Parental Specialist


Here are a number of statements that may or may not apply to you. For each statement, select the response that best applies to you. Do not spend too long deliberating about your responses: if in doubt, choose the option that immediately seems most appropriate.

Disagree Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Moderately Agree Strongly
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 - Disagree Strongly
2 - Disagree Moderatley
3 - Disagree a Little
4 - Agree a Little
5 - Agree Moderately
6 - Agree Strongly
Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6
I have quite a large number of friends.
I have plenty of friends whom I see for fun - but whose friendship is not that ‘deep’.
I'm keen not to talk too much during conversations.
I talk to the family I grew up with quite a lot.
I see myself as open to new experiences, complex.
I find children a bit annoying.
I see myself as dependable, self-disciplined.
I don't particularly gravitate towards left wing political ideals.
When I was growing up, I didn't think about having children very often.
When I was growing up I didn't think about having a family and children all that much.
I see myself as critical, quarrelsome.
I'm not that close to the family I grew up with.
I live quite close to my parents.
I've always been really excited about the prospect of having children.
I keep in contact with a lot of people.
Making my house homely is not one of my highest priorities.
I am willing to break social taboos during conversation.
I spent a lot of my early life imagining having a family and children.
I don't keep in contact with that many people.
I think I'll be a good parent.
I would say that my political leanings are quite left wing
I've always looked forward to having children.
I see myself as anxious, easily upset.
I don’t spend that much time with the family I grew up with.
I see myself as calm, emotionally stable.
I see my parents quite a lot.
I see myself as sympathetic, warm.
I've always been a bit daunted by the prospect of having children one day.
I only have a small number of close friends.
I love children.
I keep in good touch with family (close and distant relatives).
I'm not that good at keeping in touch with grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.
I don’t talk to the family I grew up with that often.
I see myself as disorganised, careless.
I probably interrupt people more than I should.
I'm not sure that I'll cope with parenting very well.
I live quite far away from my parents.
Sometimes I end up dominating the conversation.
I prefer to save my money for the future than spend it now.
I'm very (emotionally) close to the family I grew up with.
I don't see the point in saving money for the future: I'd rather spend it now and enjoy it now.
I try to be very polite during conversation.
If I want to say something but feel it might embarrass someone I tend to keep quiet.
I see myself as extraverted, enthusiastic.
I find social awkwardness excruciating.
I spend quite a lot of time with the family I grew up with.
I invest a lot of time into making my home look nice.
I see myself as conventional, uncreative.
I don't see my parents all that often.
I try hard to make sure that everyone feels comfortable during conversations.
I can't be bothered having friends just to have fun with; a true friend should be there in your hour of need.
I see myself as reserved, quiet.
I'm very close to my friends; I tend not to bother with loose acquaintances.