

Try one of our LLS Quizzes

Why not try one of our LLS quizzes? Simply select a category on the left and choose a questionnaire.

Our motto at Live Life Satisfied is ‘Know yourself better …Be your better self!’ A problem arises when we try to improve ourselves. It is often difficult to pinpoint exactly what it is we need to improve. LLS Quizzes are designed to help us identify our strengths and our weaknesses.

I’ll give you an example drawn from my own research.

LLS Quizzes case example: How can I become more organised?

I told Trev, our Marketing Director, that I am writing an e-book entitled 5 Ways to Get Your Life Organised Now! He said, ‘That’s great! I’d read that. I’d love to know how to get more organised!’

This made me laugh because I consider Trev to be very organised. However, the point is that even organised people would like to improve if they could. The problem is that most of us don’t know how to improve our organisation skills.

I conducted research into what makes people more organised. I found 4 traits that determine how organised we are.

  1. Procrastination
  2. Slowness
  3. Tendency to throw old items away
  4. Task anxiety

Now let’s imagine I were to try to advice Trev on how to become more organised. I’d need to know what his strengths are. And I’d need to know what his weaknesses are.

“Organised Procrastinators” (Even Procrastinators can be organised!)

People who procrastinate can still be very organised. A procrastinator’s capacity to be organised will largely depend on her Slowness score.

A friend of mine is in a high-level HR management position. Despite this, she says her friends call her ‘Last minute Jo’. She leaves everything until the last minute! And sometimes this nearly gets her into trouble.

But it’s not much of a problem for Jo. This is because she is highly efficient at completing tasks. Her gift is finishing things quickly. She is able to find the fastest route to completing a task.

However, if Jo asked me how she could become more organised, I would be able to tell by looking at her LLS Quiz scores. It would reveal that procrastination is her weakness. I could point her to one of our LLS “Learn to stop procrastinating” articles. (e.g. If you don't quit procrastinating now, you'll hate yourself later)

Why not register with LLS Quizzes and receive your own FREE profile page right away? CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Know yourself better …Be Your Better Self!

This is why we developed the Live Life Satisfied (LLS) ‘Quizzes’ application. When you register with ‘LLS Quizzes’, you will be given your own LLS Quiz Profile. I think this is one of the most exciting benefits that you can gain from your LLS experience.

Below, I’ve included a screen shot of part of my own LLS Quiz Profile in order to help you see the benefits you will receive when you register with ‘LLS Quizzes’
Profile Page Results

My Organisation Scores Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Now let’s take a look at my ‘Organisation’ scores. You can immediately see where my strengths and weaknesses lie. Below is a table explaining the meanings of my scores.
Profile Page Boundaries
On SLOWNESS, I have scored 8.12. This is a VERY HIGH score. In fact slowness is one of my greatest weaknesses.

My score on TASK ANXIETY is even higher. Both of these high scores will potentially hinder my capacity to be organised. But my other 2 scores show where my strengths are. 3.08 on PROCRASTINATION is a low score. And 8.69 on CLUTTER-FREE (i.e I am NOT a hoarder) is a very high score. Both these strengths will enhance my capacity to be organised.

What you will be surprised to hear is that I used to be one of the worst procrastinators! And I used to be an extreme hoarder! Through a great deal of work and effort I have managed to overturn both of these tendencies. Now these 2 traits are my strengths. And this has helped to transform my organisation skills.

It is interesting to see that I have not managed to alter my scores on the other 2 traits. But this is the fascinating thing about personality: some traits are easier to alter than others.

However, understanding these traits, and where my strengths and my weaknesses lie, have been CRUCIAL in helping enable me to become organised.

How will I know what my scores mean

Every quiz on your LLS Quiz is associated with an LLS article. Each article will explain fully what your score on the corresponding trait means.

You may well find that you have an extreme score on certain traits. Each article associated with a particular trait will give advice in order to help you better understand your score. It will also offer advice on how to manage or alter traits where applicable.

Register Now to Benefit

I have been very open with you by showing you where my strength and weaknesses lie. But you too can benefit from the LLS Quiz application. Why not register now and receive all the benefits that come with having an LLS Quiz Profile. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW.